
Baby foodz- Benefits of Karpooravalli Kashayam

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Karpooravalli Kashayam is the best instant home remedy for cold and cough in children. It is a fleshy plant with amazing health benefits. Both leaves and seeds are used in numerous medicinal purposes.

The leaves are so tender and fleshy that you break it to get the pleasant aroma of it which even helps to cure head ache. It is good to have this plant at every house and it does not need any special care to grow, multiplies in itself with very little water.

It is said that in every house it is to be grown as the strong aroma naturally is a mosquito repellent. Apart from these, there are many other health benefits of these amazing leaves. Many of our natural home remedies are least noticed and followed that we jump to medicines. I don’t give my DS any medicines especially for cold and cough unless and until I feel medical supervision is required.

I use to say “baby you want Chai?” He says aaaa opening his mouth and i give him kashayam. 😀 simple as that and make sure they swallow it. Hold up their chin so they can swallow without spitting it. It works wonders for him that i thought i will share it with everyone.

Making Karpooravalli Kashayam (Remedy for cold and cough):

  • 5-6 Fresh leaves are picked without any insect bites in it. Wash it thoroughly a couple of times. Tap it dry in kitchen towel.
  • Heat a pan and saute the leaves for a couple of minutes until it turns slightly brown.
  • Now, Pound these leaves in a mortar and pestle. extract the juice with your fingers onto a sterilized spoon. We use silver sangu to feed babies such medicines.

    It is NOT bitter in taste and we need not any sweetener. Just in case baby refuses to take, Add few drops of honey to it. Do not add sugar.

Dosage of the Kashayam:

Generally 1 tsp of kashayam is enough for babies for good result. It should be taken on an empty stomach. If the Kashayam is too much concentrated, dilute it with warm water. Continue giving the kashayam for 4-5 days for best results. I continue it for a week until my DS is completely fine. It may sometimes cause loose stools which is nothing to worry. It is better to consult a pediatric before trying out anything new to your baby. This will not cause any harm and the dosage has to be started early when the cold and cough symptoms are seen. Consume it fresh and immediately, do not store them.

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