Christmas Kul Kul recipe | Goan sweet kulkuls
Christmas Kul Kul recipe | Goan sweet kulkuls with step by step pics and video recipe. pronounced as “kal kals” this is super simple, easy recipe that can be made in less than an hour.
I heard from my friend that these will be made in huge batches and the whole family sits in to roll the kul kul. how nice it will be to engage everyone in something interesting.

This Kul Kul has a veg option as well. you can skip eggs and add extra butter/ghee instead. it is advisable to let the dough sit for at least 15 mins before shaping it.
I found this recipe more or less similar to the kala kala that we make as Diwali sweets. just that we dont use eggs in it and also we caramelize the fried ones in sugar syrup. these kulkuls can also be done the same way instead of adding sugar while making dough.

Christmas Kul Kul recipe
christmas kul kul recipe
- 1/2 cup refined flour
- 1/8 cup rava roasted
- 1 no egg white
- 2 tbsp ghee
- 1/8 cup sugar
- 1 pinch sugar
- 1 pinch baking powder
- mix all ingredients together to a dough. smooth and soft.
- cover with wet cloth and rest it for 15 mins
- pinch a small portion and flatten it at the back of a greased fork.
- start rolling to the end. pinch the ends if needed.
- drop the kul kuls in medium hot oil
- fry it in medium heat. keep stirring until golden brown.
- strain it to a paper towel.
Goan sweet kulkuls recipe
1.take all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. I took only 1/2 cup flour and ended up making more than 3 dozen kul kuls. so plan how much measure you want accordingly. start mixing everything and work to a smooth and soft dough.

2. wet a clean cloth and close the dough and let it sit for 15 minutes. open after 15 minutes.

3. pinch a small portion of dough. grease the back of fork and flatten the dough over it.

4. start rolling it gently to the end. you might have to roll 3 turns based on your fork length.

5. the kul kuls should be as tiny as shown in the pic. in case the kul kuls are open like in the below pic, then slightly pinch the ends together because it might open when dropped in oil.

6. shape and prepare all the dough before you start deep frying.

7. drop the kul kuls one by one in medium hot oil. fry until golden brown.

8. strain it to a paper towel. serve once cool.

*out of syllabus* for some reason i simply love these glitter decorations. will fall over crazy for colors and glitters since my childhood. that uplifts my happiness. “MERRY CHRISTMAS”