
Lychee Ice cream ~ Lychee Rose Icecream

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Lychee Ice cream ~ Lychee Rose Icecream ~ No Churn and eggless super easy ice cream recipe with Lychee and three simple ingredients.lychee ice cream

Milk, Cream and Sugar is all that you need to make this delicious ice cream at home within minutes. Sweating in the heat, Try this recipe to cool yourself.

I have used Lychee meat/flesh. You can substitute with any fruit pulp you are fond of. Banana, Custard apple, Strawberry, chikoo or any other flavor.lychee ice cream

This is my shot with Lychee which i wanted to share.  working on still objects photography and all that minute details for the click. I get more and more crazy for Food photography knowing there are still a long way to go to get it perfect!

Lychee Ice cream Video recipe:

Lychee Ice cream recipe:

Lychee Icecream

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Servings: 5 servings


  • 2 cups fullcream milk
  • 1 cup thick cream
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup lychee meat
  • a drop rose essense


  • Blend together milk, cream, sugar and lychee meat. Few pulses are enough . Do not overdo.
  • Sieve it and add rose essence. Mix it.
  • Pour it onto shallow container and freeze it for 4-5 hours or until set.

Lychee Ice cream – Pictorial Directions:

Blend together Milk,

thick cream, sugar and lychee.

Few quick pulses are sufficient. Do not overdo and the churning begins and butter gets separated. Few pulse will do good.

I have added the lychee meat as such. You can grind it and add.

Use Boiled milk with the cream. I used warm milk for this recipe

Thick Cream recipe:

I have used homemade thick cream. To make it: Collect cream from milk everyday. ( Thick layer from milk ). Once done for a bowl, blend it until smooth and thick.

You can use either castor sugar or powdered sugar. I have used granulated ones as we blend it anyway.

Sieve it to get the smooth texture. If you like chunks of lychee. leave it as such.

Add rose essence or vanilla essence and mix it.

Pour it onto a shallow pan/bread pan and freeze it overnight or until set. Cover it with foil, wrapper and freeze it.

there you GO ! Enjoy it !lychee ice cream

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