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Schezwan Poha – Chinese poha recipe

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schezwan poha recipe

Schezwan poha – one of the flavorful indo Chinese recipes made with poha. simple, easy and tasty breakfast/dinner idea to keep it simple as well as delicious.

Poha Upma is one of the very common breakfast recipes but this has got a Chinese taste in it. Just a little bit of schezwan chutney, tomato sauce, and soya sauce. Mix everything together to make the sauce and here it is.

schezwan poha recipe

Schezwan Poha – video recipe

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Chinese poha recipe

Schezwan poha recipe

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Servings: 3 people


  • 2 cups poha/flattened rice

for making sauce

  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1 tsp chopped garlic
  • 1 no green chilli slit
  • 2 no baby corn chopped
  • 1 small carrot finely chopped
  • 3 tbsp spring onions chopped
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp soya sauce
  • 1 tsp tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp schezwan chutney
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 1/4 tsp sugar
  • spring onions for garnishing


  • wash and rinse the poha couple of times and toss it gently. keep it aside until use.
  • heat oil in a pan and fry garlic until it turns aromatic.
  • add chopped baby corn, chopped carrots, green chilli, chopped spring onions and fry for a minute.
  • add salt, tomato sauce, soya sauce, schezwan chutney and fry for few seconds.
  • add 1/8 cup water and let it boil for a minute until it thickens.
  • sprinkle sugar, mix once. add soaked poha.
  • Mix gently and serve hot


Schezwan Poha recipe

An important step in any poha upma is how you prepare the poha for the dish. We should not be soaking the poha if we don’t want to end up in a mashy upma. to get the perfect texture and keep it separate without sticking, preparing it is very important.

How to prepare the poha

To prepare the poha, Firstly, take it in a strainer. wash it with water and drain it immediately. toss it gently. do not use even your hands which may break the poha.

schezwan poha recipe

Again pour some more water and toss again. repeat the process a couple of times and let the poha side aside for some time until it is called for.

schezwan poha recipe

how to make the sauce

As like any Chinese sauce. the very first step is to roast the garlic in oil until you get a nice aroma out of it.

schezwan poha recipe

When the garlic lets out the aroma, add chopped baby corn, slit green chillies, chopped carrots, and chopped spring onions. fry everything together for 1-2 minutes.

schezwan poha recipe

add salt, soya sauce, tomato sauce to the pan.

schezwan poha recipe

furthermore, add schezwan chutney to it. Based on the spice of the chutney adjust the quantity accordingly.

mix everything together and add little water. mix everything and let ti come to a boil.

when it starts to thicken, add sugar and mix well.

setting up the final dish

While the poha and the sauce are ready, mix it up together. Gently do this process of mixing without breaking the poha.

Serve it hot and enjoy!

schezwan poha recipe

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