
Adai upma recipe | kothu varattiyathu | upma with leftover adai batter

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Adai upma recipe | kothu varattiyathu | upma with leftover adai batter with step by step photos and video recipe. Simple, easy and tasty recipe to use the leftover adai maavu/ batter.

I agree there are many variety of adai batters with different lentils/pulses combinations. You can use any variety that you follow at home. Mine is made with 5 different dals/pulses. Also i add cumin, garlic, ginger, peppercorns, red chilli, asafoetida, curry leaves while grinding the batter.

adai upma recipe

If you have the plain batter without any spices. Then add cumin, garlic, ginger, peppercorns, red chilli, asafoetida and curry leaves. Give it a pulse before using it in the recipe. Adjust spices as per your taste. We like it spicy. So we add more peppercorns usually.

This one recipe i learnt from my mil. She has a different version where she grinds tomato, red chilli, cumin separately. And adds it along with batter to thicken it. Cooks it for almost 2 hours in simmer. But you should be ready for some serious arms workout. worth it i will say.

some of the other upma recipes:

adai upma recipe

Adai upma recipe

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kothu varattiyathu

Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time1 hour 35 minutes
Servings: 4 servings


  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1/4 cup small onions chopped
  • 3 cups adai batter
  • 2 tsp idli podi


  • heat coconut oil in a pan and crackle mustard seeds. 
  • saute in the chopped small onions until transparent
  • add the adai batter, close the pan with lid partially. let it cook for 10 minutes in medium heat. 
  • open and mix. break all the pieces into tiny. 
  • close the pan again and cook for another 5-10 minutes in simmer. open and mix/chop the fried pieces into tiny ones. 
  • repeat the process until all the batter is well fried and tiny roasted bits. 
  • add salt, idli podi and mix again. fry for another 5 minutes. 
  • serve hot with chai. 


kothu varattiyathu

kothu varattiyathu

1.heat coconut oil in a pan preferably thick bottomed and crackle mustard seeds.

adai upma recipe

2.add sliced small onions and fry for 30 seconds until transparent.

adai upma recipe

3. add 3 cups adai batter. I have given the details of the items included in this batter above in the introduction. kindly check it.

adai upma recipe

4. partially close the pan and cook for about 10 minutes in medium heat. open the pan after 10 minutes.

adai upma recipe

5. stir and break the large pieces into smaller ones. Mix well to break the roasted bottom side with the uncooked top part.

adai upma recipe

6. once the entire batter is mixed well. Close it partially again and let it cook in simmer for at least 15 minutes.

adai upma recipe

7. repeat the process until the adai batter is well roasted and cooked. Keep breaking the pieces into smaller ones. This process takes at least 40 minutes in total.

adai upma recipe

8. check seasoning and add salt if needed. for spice, add idli podi of your choice.

adai upma recipe

9. mix mix and mix. fry for 5 minutes. drizzle some coconut oil and mix again for another 5 minutes.

adai upma recipe

serve the kothu vattiyathu hot with chai and enjoy!

adai upma recipe

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